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  • The Panic Button contains funny pictures, videos, and everything worth laughing about on the internet! The Panic Button was created by Sssaam, Cstarr, Sreimer, Pablo, and Jjacobb. We are all best friends in real life. This blog was made out of boredom and has become something bigger than we could ever imagine. For more information about The Panic Button click these links:

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    The Panic Button is proud to say our site is family friendly and free of inappropriate material and profanity.

    We do not own any images on this site that are not uploaded from this site's files url. By using our website you acknowledge our disclaimer. This blog supports activism / humanitarianism. We try to enforce greener ethics when opportunities arise.

    <div class="textwidget"><img class="aligncenter" src="https://cstarr.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/about.png" alt="" />The Panic Button contains funny pictures, videos, and everything worth laughing about on the internet! The Panic Button was created by Sssaam, Cstarr, Yoitspablo, Jjacobb, and Srimer. 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Ideas For Blogs

Here are some cool ideas for blogs for those who are stuck:

Make a blog rating blog: Make a blog that includes all other blogs and rate them based on how good they are. (Make sure not to be mean!)

Make a blog about one random item: Talk about a random item like cheese for instance, and give lots of things about it; the latest news about cheese, funny cheese pics, cheese links, definition of cheese, history of cheese, and everything about a random item.

Make a blog with everyone!: Create a blog, then add everyone you know to it. Ask everyone if they want to join, and add everyone who comments! Make the blog any blog you want, and see what happens!

Make blog about you in real life: Talk about yourself. Let out all your feelings about things like school, parents, and friends. It’s a really good way of letting out all your worries in the form of blogging.


32 Responses

  1. hey sssaam thanks for putting this up here!

    hey that one thing you downloaded to make the arrows,where did you get that?

  2. Yay! Cheese!


  4. W00T W00T!!!

  5. A blog about anything, randomness, real life, reviews, or games/books/movies!

  6. Hey y’all!
    I decided to make a blog about me, but I mate change it, please visit my blog and rate!
    http://www.emilylonodon.wordpress.com thanks you!

  7. * http://www.emilylondon.wordpress.com
    sorry I misspelled! Check it out and rate it via comment or not lol!

  8. Hey Sssaam! Or Cstarr! Or Jjacobb! Or whoever wrote this! I looked here and now I’m trying to persuade my dad to get me a blog!
    A funny moment in my family history:
    Dad: Well, what will your blog be about?
    Me: CHEESE!

    Sssaam: Lol, awesome!

  9. Cheese is my friend. I like cheese. 😀

  10. I made a woodpress. It is bad, so I need someone to join it.
    Pablo: You mean wordpress.

  11. wehatever

  12. Hmm…my persuasion isn’t working…
    Computer news: Our computer’s hard disk’s data has been copied onto a NEW hard disk with 500GB data capacity.
    When I want to go on the computer, I use my dad’s laptop.
    But right now, I’m on my Wii!

  13. Oh this is Matthew

  14. Actually, I don’t think I’ll do it about cheese…I think I’ll start it off like you did, not knowing what to do it about! Or POSSIBLY I’ll do it about pixel art…actually I think I will!

    Not Peach, not Peachina, not Cookie, but now PIXEL! (XD) I can’t make up my mind on a nickname!

  15. Actually, I think I’ll make a pixel art blog…

    not Cookie


  16. Hey, Sssaam, please come and look at my new blog and take a guess on the post!


    Also, I have some questions about blogging:
    1. How do you put up polls?
    2. How do you see how many hits you’ve had?
    3. How do you put up a banner?

    Please answer!
    p.s. work out my name b4 u go!
    1=i/l, 3=e, 0=o.

    Sssaam: K, one at a time.
    1: To put up polls, make an account on Polldaddy.com and make a poll. When you’re finished making the poll, click save & continue. It will bring up some code. Click “WordPress Blogs” on the right side then click “My blog is on wordpress.com”. It will give you a code of the form

    . You can copy and paste this code to any part of your WordPress blog, including sidebars and posts. Once the code is posted, it will show up as the poll you created.
    2: Finding out how many hits you have is very simple, in fact I’ll give you a direct link. Click here. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and it will give you a full report including your total views, busiest day, and the views you have today.
    3: Putting up a banner (I prefer calling it a header) is also very easy. Click “appearance” on your left sidebar in your dashboard. Right now you would need to change the theme of your blog because you current theme doesn’t allow a header. Click “theme” to change the theme. Once you have chosen a theme that allows a custom header, you will be able to change it.

  17. Hold on!
    I found out how to see hits!
    Now a new question:
    How do you change your avatar?

  18. Hold on!
    I fond out how to change my avatar!
    Sorry if I’m posting too much!

  19. Hi. It’s me-Peach/peachina/cookie/pixel
    This is my wordpress account!
    (Also, I am seeing if my avatar is working…

  20. OH MAN I thought I CHANGED the avatar!

  21. Kwl-my avatar WORKED!
    It’s a pixel version of you-know-who!

  22. Guys i just found this blog:


    its the exact same as yours!!
    But why?!
    Jjacobb: Awhile ago we wanted to create sort of a fake domain name so we could kind of get away from the longer url of wordpress. But as you can see .tk’s are definetly not .com’s and we eventually ditched funnypixx.tk. You can still use it it’s just that we stopped using it a few months ago. Hope this clears things up!

  23. I got a different blog with Mitchell(yes, mitch102)

  24. what I mean is, how do i make a picture that shows up on my website and can be posted so that others have the banner and it links to my website. I used photo bucket to make the picture, but how do I do the rest…

    Sssaam: A quick lesson in HTML code. The code of an image is as follows.
    <img src=”URL of image”>
    Insert the image URL there, and it will be the complete code of the image without a link. To make it link to your site, put this code before the image code.
    <a href=”Your website URL”>
    So all together the code you should give to your viewers is…
    <a href=”Your website URL”><img src=”URL of image”>
    And obviously add the needed URLs. Hope this helps!

  25. like embedding the picture into my blog and getting the code, so that other people can post it and when people click on it, it shows up on my site

  26. Thanks again, Sam.

  27. I made a banner, but I don’t think that if I click on it, it will go to my website. How do I do that?

    Sssaam: The entire Internet is based on HTML code. To make an image link, just put this code before the image code:

    <a href=”Your website URL here”>

  28. my pet cheese’s name is percy 😀 (boy percy not girl)

  29. thx but wat if no one looks at my blog then wat i’m going to do ur tips but my stats arnt very high. :,(
    and also i play ourworld.com and my blog xox7angel7xox.wordpress.com waz going to be a ow site for cheats and hacks and the latest news and stuff. And i google some sites and there is only like 5 ourworld guides that pop up i want it to be 6. but its not! plz plz plz plz plz help me!!!! ( reply in bold plz) bye for now!!

    Sam: You have to be patient. You’re not just going to be the sixth result right when you start. You have to build up to that. When we started, we were getting less than 5 hits per day. Now we’re at more than 1000 hits per day. You also have to be consistent about your posts. Try posting each day.

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